Monday, June 17, 2013

Road Trip @2013

I started a road trip from Syracuse in NY to Santa Clara in CA btween June.1st and June.16th. With a friend of mine in New Jersey, we headed to the West coast. Personally this trip was considered as a journey to organize stuffs in my mind and to find a new insight from new places. Did I find an answer?

Road Trip @2013 from CH Lim on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. As always Lim, in your stories I find myself listening to the silences as much as your narration.

    My family traveled throughout the US for six weeks. Your story reminded me of this experience, as you captured the long spaces of driving, the changing view, and the contemplation that such journeys evoke in the traveler. A particulary powerful line: "The road never ended" Thank you.
